31 March 2008

Strange Victory, Strange Defeat

I've been listening to the Silver Jews' Lookout Mountain, Lookout Sea for about a week now, and it's very good...an extension of the more upbeat direction Berman took on Tanglewood Numbers, but--to my ears--more coherent and enjoyable. Below are the lyrics to "Strange Victory, Strange Defeat." The lyrics pretty much describe the way I felt a couple of weeks ago when Taylor Swift's bus pulled into the parking lot outside of Preston Auditorium for a concert at RU. Hundreds of 18-21 year olds dressed in Aeropostale or American Eagle eagerly anticipating her stepping off the bus...strange victory strange defeat, indeed.

Strange Victory, Strange Defeat

Squirrels imported from Connecticut
Just in time for fall
How much fun is a lot more fun
not much fun at all

What’s with all the handsome grandsons
In these rock band magazines
What have they done with the fat ones
The bald and the goateed

Strange victory
Strange victory
Strange victory
Strange defeat

Tale is told of a band of squirrels
Who lived in defiance of defeat
They woke up in a nightmare world
Of craven mediocrity

They said
We’re coming out of the black patch
We’re coming out of the pocket
We’re calling into question
Such virtue gone to seed

Strange victory, strange defeat

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